Crate azalea_client

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Significantly abstract azalea_protocol so it’s actually useable for real clients. If you want to make bots, you should use the azalea crate instead.




  • Something that can join Minecraft servers.
  • Client has the things that a user interacting with the library will want.
  • A component that contains some of the “settings” for this client that are sent to the server, such as render distance. This is only present on local players.
  • This plugin group will add all the default plugins necessary for Azalea to work.
  • A component only present in players that contains the GameProfile (which you can use to get a player’s name).
  • A component that keeps strong references to our PartialInstance and Instance for local players.
  • A bundle for the components that are present on a local player that is currently in the game protocol state. If you want to filter for this, just use LocalEntity.
  • A player in the tab list.
  • A component that contains a map of player UUIDs to their information in the tab list.
  • A resource that contains a broadcast::Sender that will be sent every Minecraft tick.


  • The parameters that were passed for creating the associated Account.
  • Something that happened in-game, such as a tick passing or chat message being sent.
  • An error that happened while joining the server.